New Beginnings

by | Jan 2, 2019 | Direction

There is something satisfying about turning over the first page of a new calendar for a New Year.  But it does seem like we just started a new decade, and now we are pushing toward the end of it. The gift of a new beginning is that all of the issues that we failed to address last year can now be faced. If you never got around to that personal emergency savings fund, start today with setting aside at least one dollar each day. It is not much, but it is a start.

Today is a good day to begin to tackle any credit card debt that is hanging around. Rising interest rates are also pushing up rates on credit cards.  There are a number of resources on the internet for “Debt Snowball” plans.  The basic idea is to attack the smallest account with extra funds, while still making all regular payments on other debt.  Once the smallest account is knocked out, roll those funds toward the next account.

The next step is to avoid using costly cards, if you are not able to pay the balance in full each month.  Then examine your spending using services such as “Mint.” Mint allows you to track all of your spending, savings and other accounts in real time.  It is a free service.  There are others out there that do the same thing.  If you are a paper and pencil kind of person, there are plenty of printable approaches on the internet.

You can begin anew in how you handle your personal finances.  Today is the first day to take that first step.  You really can do this.

Free Webinar by Discipleship Ministries!

Thursday, January 10, 2019, 6:30PM CST
Stewardship & Finance: Getting it Right at the Starting Line
We start each new year with this webinar focused on the new member of the stewardship team, finance committee, or church council – those who are looking to get started strong right from the first week!  Bathe your work in prayer. Remember, you are not alone; there are places to find help! To register, click here. 




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