Free Resource

by | Sep 19, 2018 | Planning

I recently received an email from featuring a pastor/leadership download kit.  The kit contains worship resources, eBooks, social images and videos all under the theme, “Together, We Do More.”  The material is good and at no cost to you.

The worship resources feature slides, offering talks and sermon illustrations related to generosity.  The eBooks feature general church offering information along with year-end giving ideas and generosity sermons.  The social media images are pretty much geared to general church funds, but may still be useful in your setting.  And there are also videos to download.

The videos are all brief.  One is for pastors and leaders to learn more about how to talk to congregations about giving.  Another uses John Wesley’s perspective on money.  A few are related to general church offerings.

If you are looking for some fresh ideas for generosity, this set of resources may be just what you need.  Find them at   Then click on resources and look for “Together, We Do More Pastor and Leaders Kit.”




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