Travel as Pilgrimage

by | Jun 2, 2021 | Journey

Most of us remember the Canterbury Tales from English classes along the way. It was written in Old English, but it has translated into more readable formats as well. The setting is a pilgrimage journey, which was quite common in the day for more wealthy people.

The good news is that a pilgrimage does not have to be a trip to the Holy Land or other foreign destinations. A pilgrimage might be traveling back to the old home place, the cemetery where ancestors are buried, or to a church that meant much to you in life. These days it can even be exploring one’s roots on sites like Ancestry. 

Pilgrimage is about allowing the journey to touch our hearts and very core. It is allowing what we experience with our senses to reach deep down within us and to transform us.

I have enjoyed journeying with you for the past eight years through this publication. As I move into retirement, someone else will fill this role in the future.  In the words of Rick Steves, “Keep on Traveling.”




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