Fall Stewardship Plans

by | Aug 21, 2019 | Generosity, Giving

The clock is ticking down to fall. Plans need to be made today for a successful stewardship emphasis this fall.  There are many resources available from a multitude of providers.  I will be happy to make a recommendation or offer guidance on many of them. None of the resources will work, if you do not use one. Avoiding an annual stewardship emphasis is to avoid an important spiritual discipline.

Many Christians lack spiritual depth because they have not engaged in all of the spiritual disciplines, including giving of one’s financial resources. Deep faith is reflected in generous giving to the work of the kingdom through one’s local church. Generosity does not just happen. It requires guidance and encouragement from spiritual leaders.

Remember, it is not about raising the budget, but growing disciples of Jesus Christ. People need to give generously of their financial resources in order to deepen their faith.




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